“I want to show that a tiny fragment of the eternal lives inside each and every human being, no matter who we are or where we live on the planet. We are all sparks ignited from the grand universal light, and this light lives in our soul.
The spark is your life force. You are created by light. You are made of light. And you are light. And you are not alone. You are a part of a much larger universal consciousness. The Song of the Universe facilitates this knowing and this feeling of being wholly and fully connected.
We are living in a performance society, and we become sick with stress and depression, because we have forgotten that we are born worthy, magnificent and complete. Each and every one. The Song of the Universe heals the wound of separation and unworthiness restoring us to our true embodied wholeness and sovereignty.
When we rest and surrender into the embrace of the universal light, the pain recedes.”
“As I began to write the chapter accompanying the first verse of the song, I AM the Light, energy suddenly rose up around me, forming a wondrous pillar of glowing white light, and before I knew it, I was catapulted upwards through the radiant pillar as if it were a wormhole in the universe. The energy was so intense that I could barely write. My crown chakra was lit on fire, and the mythical kundalini snake unfurled throughout my spine as I floated up through the canal of the luminous pillar. Powerful harmonies were booming in my mind’s ear, and before I knew it, I found myself in a completely different reality. I now found myself standing… on the Roof of the Universe. What happened next is an experience that awaits you too when you activate the first pillar in the first soul journey of the book.”
The Song of the Universe is Lorelei’s newest book and it is released by People’s Press in Danish on the 1st of June 2017.
The Song of the Universe is a poetic soul journey through the mysteries of the Universe containing a spiritual technology that sheds ancient layers of limitation encoded in your light body through your multiple lives on Earth.
Through 15 sacred soul journeys and initiations you will reclaim your divine inheritance as a sovereign being on Earth, and you will elevate your entire being into the radiance of the one being that is your divine counterpart.
The Song of the Universe is a quantum healing tool and ascension process guiding your through 15 sacred initiations and soul journeys by which you will receive extensive lightbody activations and infusion of lightcodes from your higher self.
Embody your magnificence and be a way shower for humanity in creating heaven on earth in the times to come. I am in you. You are in me. And together we are singing The Song of the Universe.
15 soul journeys. 15 meditations. 15 initiations.