On June 6th Lorelei is leading a magical New Moon Life Abundance Sound Bath in which you and your entire life – past, present and future – will be showered in abundance.
New Moon is the optimal time of the month to initiate new projects, new waves in your life… and new beginnings. On June 6th you can participate in our life changing New Moon Abundance Sound Bath, and you will be cleared, elevated and activated on a new level of powerful abundance. It’s time to let in the infinite lifeforce of the Universe.
You will leave your body and travel to distant galaxies, star systems and other worldly dimensions and return in a new, updated and activated light body.
Lorelei will present new radiant vibrations as she will play her more than 55 alchemy crystal singing bowls and create a powerful field of quantum healing for the audience. Lorelei also chants a range of healing mantras as well as works with her gongs and other healing tools and instruments.
WHAT: New Moon Abundance Sound Bath. Bring a yoga mat, a pillow and blanket
WHERE: Lorelei’s Concert Hall, Vesterbrogade 60A, 1620 Copenhagen
WHEN: June 6th at 7.30 PM – 9 PM. The doors open at 7PM.
WHO: Everyone is welcome
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